Third Annual Kernstown Battlefield
Golf Classic Fundraiser
Friday, June 20, 2025
Rock Harbor Golf Course, Winchester, VA
The Kernstown Battlefield Association (KBA) is pleased to announce our Third Annual Golf Classic. I hope you will join us for a day of fun with eighteen holes of golf on one of the region’s premier courses, access to the practice facilities, golf cart, continental breakfast, lunch, complimentary beverage cart, raffles and prizes.
All for $125 per person. Check-in at 7, tee times at 8.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Event Sponsor $500
Lunch Sponsor $300
Beverage Cart Sponsor $300
Green Sponsor $150
KBA is a privately owned, all volunteer, non-profit, 501(c)3 organization responsible for the preservation and maintenance of over 388 acres of historical land just south of Winchester, Va. KBA is wholly funded through contributions and grants.
Join us as we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the KBA and help us to
preserve the history and natural beauty of the Shenandoah Valley.